As a society, we love the convenience that comes with swiping a piece of plastic. However, many of us are wary of credit cards. Debit cards, though, are connected to your checking account, so, in theory, what you spend is what you already have in the bank. As long asContinue Reading

We all know that “money can’t buy happiness.” However, a certain amount of money is needed for the building blocks of happiness — or at least security. It’s quite difficult to be happy when you don’t have access to the basic necessities of life. And this is where money andContinue Reading

Credit scores have become a major metric in our lives; if you are getting a car loan, mortgage or even applying for a job your credit score will have a significant impact on the decision. I believe everyone should check their credit reports on a regular basis, semi annually orContinue Reading

At some point in our lives we all have some sort of debt; student loans, mortgages and car financing are the most common types of debt we carry. Everyone seems to have his or her own opinions about debt and debt management; however there are a few myths about debtContinue Reading