For years, I’ve heard that Direct Energy technicians are quick to shut off furnaces during an inspection. The verdict is a cracked heat exchanger, a piece of metal that separates the furnace’s fire from the home’s air stream.

The company says it has to act speedily because of the danger of carbon monoxide leaking into the home. Critics says it’s because of the pressure to increase furnace sales.  Read More…


  1. This problem with Direct Energy, where they claim that a heat exchanger is cracked and then they shut down the furnace, only to have that decision reversed by a second independent service man, is so widespread, that Direct Energy should be investigated for fraudulent business practices.
    I also had DE claim that my heat exchanger was cracked. (A second inspection reversed the DE decision).

  2. This is why i have a portable hearter in my house. If it has problems i throw it away and walk over to Walmart for another at under $30.

  3. When their ultimate goal is to raise profits one cant help but see a conflict in judgment. If my furnace has problems i am most certainly not going to Direct Energy for a second showing.

  4. My furnace had recently had troubles. I got an opinion from a technician and he didnt spend more than 5 mins before telling me i needed to get a new one for $1,000.

    I said no way and spent the next week in the library and online about my problem. I was able to fix it for no more than a $2 washer.

  5. Remind me again why i would buy a second furnace from them if the first is damaged to the point that it can kill me in my sleep.

  6. This is a tough call since DE is clearly trying to drum up their furnace sales but the very act of giving customers 2nd opinions will ultimately not drive in loyalty but demonstrate that their products are inferior.

  7. Lets get serious. The only reason Direct Energy wants to do is to make more money and so it is a bit of a conflict of interest when they also give advice on if you should buy a new furnace.

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