A slew of streaming music services have come to Canada, and more are likely on the way, but while tech-savvy consumers seem to enjoy listening to music online, relatively few want to pay.

There are more than a dozen competitors to choose from in Canada, including free radio-style options such as CBC Music and Songza, and fee-based a la carte listening platforms with millions to songs to access, such as Deezer, HMV’s The Vault, Rara and Rdio.  Read More…


  1. I remember when the revolutionary idea of selling music for $0.99 took hold. The moment you gave people a choice to buy music for a fraction of the cost of an entire album it sealed the fate of people ever wanting to pay more.

  2. People need to get out more and experience the world than to be locked u in their bedrooms listening to the next Enya recording.

  3. The movie industry experiences the same issue. But in the bigger scope, although there are people who enjoy listening but dont want to pay there is an even larger group that does pay. This is why the music industry is still a viable and very profitable industry.

  4. Why buy when the next store is offering it for free to gain attention?

  5. And this is a suprrise to who?

  6. Although i don’t want to pay i still do because I really enjoy the bands and want them to keep making more.

    That is how I see it.

  7. It’s funny because all the music you want is in video format on YouTube for free.

  8. I still prefer to buy my tracks in CD form. I dont like the digital format.

    You just don’t get the cover art and the extras that is so important.

  9. Anyone old enough to remember DRM?

  10. Soon we will be making it all free because no one buy stuff. And then where will be the incentive of artists to make anything?

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