Economy worry

We are generally very optimistic investors. And why not? We have, in 30 years of investing, seen nearly every crisis and market panic possible, and still markets are at record highs. We have no particular worries about current equity market conditions.

However, that in no way means an investor should be complacent. We have not seen a major market correction in some time, and markets never go straight up. We are now in September, the only month, historically speaking, when markets decline, on average.  Read More…


  1. I haven’t followed the US election all that much but i do know that either Hillary or Trump is president the stock market will be a bit chaotic because of their corrupt nature and dealings that they are sure to be doing. Based on their history.

    Hillary is obviously more right-leaning and therefore more aligned with taking political bribes from businesses than Trump but Trump is no saint either.

  2. The stock market is an up and down place. We should expect to worry some times. 🙂

  3. Never heard about the VIX volatility index. Have s’more reading to do.

  4. It’s been a fun ride in TSX and DJIA but this fall and 2017 will seem some course corrections. Might be a boon for short selling. I know im making some great gains right from my shorts.

  5. I applaud the article for bringing up deflation. Most don’t know nor remember history of how devestating deflation can be.

  6. The economic world is a connected place. We as Canadians need to worry about the health of other nations like England leaving the EU to know how we as investors are going to fair.

  7. I still predict the two biggest sectors: biotech, and general tech will still be having record gains. Nothing to worry about yet.

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