After pulling ahead following the Great Recession, Canada is once again slipping in the economic rankings as other economies improve at a faster pace, according to a Conference Board of Canada report card.

Canada is likely to get a high C grade for its performance in 2011, putting it in ninth place out of 17 peer nations. That grade’s down from a low B in 2010, which earned Canada a 10th place ranking in 2010. Canada had pulled ahead to 6th place in 2008 and 2009 as the economy withstood the financial crash better than others.

The two top performers in 2010 and 2011 will be Australia and Sweden, which both earned A grades. Switzerland, Belgium and Norway are also expected to be among the top five performers.

The decline in Canada’s ranking doesn’t mean the economy is faring worse than it was before, just that others are improving at a faster rate, the Conference Board said.  Read More…


  1. Smoke and mirrors.  We are not better than anyone.  We are in a deep hole and people who are standing on top of the others can see light but the others are just pushed farther down in the dark.  We don’t see major issues take place in the next three years I will eat my shirt.  Of course, by then it will be because I can’t afford food.

  2. What really hurt Canada was the GDP growth. Although it is pretty good we have been having problems throughout since we are more and more importing instead of generating our own services. This is why we slipped a bit this year.

  3. We ranked higher than the U.S. so that is good enough for me.

  4. Ouch for the D grade for foreign direct investment. Here is hoping the Rolls-Royce deal helps a bit for next years list.

  5. We were talk of the town at the G20 summit a year ago so i wonder how they view us now.

  6. So we get a C overall but get an A and rank #2 for employment growth. Seems like a win to me.

  7. I actually thought the C$ would have helped since it has been steadily climbing throughout the year. I guess i need to read more on economics.

  8. When you explore the details it is still a net positive. The rest of the world were in such turmoil for so long that when they improved they only had a skyward direction.

  9. It didnt mention the final indicator since we seem to show improvement in the other 7. I was thinking it was emplyment growth but that was shown as imrpoved too. Anyone know what it is?

  10. Its interesting to see Switzerland as one of the top nations that earned an A. They are much more socialized than us and so one of the comments here suggesting it is because of government that is keeping us down is a bit off since their government is even in more control.

  11. Lets be clear that WE ARE NOT GETTING WORSE we are just improving at a slower rate relative to others. People please pay attention!! This is good news.

  12. High C grade? That b*llshit. Their analysis is way off seeing as how we were praised for our strong stance on keeping the banks from running a muck in economy back in 2008/9. So all we get is a 6th place showing? Please.

  13. It states that we have a ver controlled economy by the government. Nothing gets out of hand but still nothing gets explosive gains either. We are just moderate in the world.

  14. It’s not really a surprise sicne it clearly states we survived the great recession.

    How many years of good luck can one country have. We are just fine. We cant expect to have better success every year.

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