1. I’ve made contributions across gic, savings, rrsp, and bonds. So i’m in good shape 🙂 🙂

  2. I wish banks paid better interest.

  3. Actually be careful when you say $15,000 is available for 2011 since it also depends on how much isnt used from prior years.

  4. Yes. i believe it is an additional $5000. So, depending on your prior contributions and the interest earned, your contribution room will be different.

  5. Is this year’s tfsa contribution room another $5000?

  6. I guess i am the only one on the planet that doesnt know what tfsa even means 🙁

  7. I’ve only used it for RRSPs.

  8. The main problem with it is that the contribution space is tiny. Until it is pushed up to fit more i dont see why anyone would use it for anything but as a true savings account.

  9. You can use tfsa with stocks? That’s new to me.

  10. I agree that the main problem has to do with marketing. At least that is why i have been inclined to only use TFSAs with GICs.

  11. The reasoning is simple. Why should i when the interest rate offered isn’t any better across different instruments?

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