Many Canadians engage in regular spring cleaning rituals like checking fire alarms, rotating mattresses and planting gardens. They’re tedious and time-consuming tasks, but they need to be tended to by responsible homeowners.

Those responsibilities shouldn’t end at household chores. Spring is as good a time as any to dust off and polish up all things personal finance. You’re already sorting through slips and statements to file your taxes, so you might as well take some time to focus on the little things that you can do to improve your finances.  Read More…


  1. I am guilty of not doing any of the advice the article gives. It’s just way too easy to get all excited about the new influx of cash and go spend it away instead of doing the right thing which is save for a rainy day.

  2. Checking over your credit report each year is probably the best advice because 1. the reports are free (once a year via TransUnion and Equifa), and 2. you can be surprised by oddities on there (which can be easily fixed).

  3. Its funny cuz i rarely realize about accumulated reward points since it just occurs on my AMEX. My problem with rewards type cards is there is nothing to redeem the points for — all the items are overpriced or undesirable. 🙁

  4. If one were applying due dilligence every time they made a purchase or whatever they wouldn’t need to have to spring clean that much, if at all. Just saying.

  5. Some interesting points. I remmeber the other day scanning my bank credit card statement and noticing strange charges. Turns out i was getting billed for over a year (monthly) for an internet plan i didnt know i had (seems the previous provider was charging me despite having no net at all with them).

  6. Yea, yea we should do spring cleaning of our finances as we do for our homes. I get it. But doing it is just ultra boring 🙂

  7. I have way too many credit card accounts. Usually in the fall i get all kinds of promos and cant resist them. It’s usually around this time when i begin to cancel them — my form of cleaning finances 🙂

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