A few years ago, when I went to a spa resort in Arizona to de-stress, I accidentally left my phone on in my purse for four days. While I hiked in the desert, played with horses and performed yoga sun salutations, my phone checked for updates on Facebook, tracked Twitter mentions, found tagged photos of me on Instagram, etc. When I returned home, I had racked up $400 in data charges.

Given that last year a Burnaby father got a $22,000 bill from Rogers after his 11-year-old streamed video and played video games on their Mexico trip, I didn’t do so badly.

It was still enraging, however.  Read More…


  1. Yea my biggest way of losing is thruogh traffic tickets. I tend to take it to court which is always a great idea because the cost is dropped in half automatically because prosecution never wants to waste time.

  2. I wish there was a smart way to organize our buying habits so we as Canadians could manage our cash properly. Anyone have software that does this?

  3. I had problems with my credit card not honoring my airmile points when i converted to their latest card despite they agreeing to it. I cancelled and never delt business with them again. Shame cuz i loved that card.

  4. This is why i tend to avoid certain things and pay with cash most times. Too many things out to make you lose more than you need to. Never found much use in so called conveniences.

  5. LOL! Article mentions receipts. I am so one of those types. I end up needing to return something and never can find receipts despite having a load of them sitting in bags and back pockets all the time.

  6. Anyone remember groupon? That was how i lost money due to me buying but being too lazy to go get the deal. I dont use them much more though. It was fun at the time to see how groups cold get discounts.

  7. Most of us do our spending online these days so that is probably where a lot of waste goes. Online makes it much more convenient to just buy and move on while doing it locally requires you to put on the proper clothes, socialize, search around, then decide to buy.

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