A couple from Merritt, B.C., have been battling Bell Canada for months over enormous bills — which they call outrageous and unwarranted — for thousands of dollars in unexplained data charges on their smartphone.

“They basically made us scared of our phone,” said Daniel Methot.

“We just stopped using it. We shut it off,” added his wife, Kate.

The Methots got their first shock soon after Kate signed up for the phone in October. She received a bill for over $1,000, mainly data charges.

“My wife looked at me and I thought, ‘Oh boy, what did I do that I didn’t know that I had done? I am in trouble,'” Daniel recalled.

At first, the couple said, they panicked, thinking they must have mistakenly downloaded something that used up a tremendous amount of data.  Read More…


  1. How is this a surprise they do this will internet access all the time. This is why i moved to TekSaavy. Best decision i ever made.

  2. Bell has been netorious for such actions. I was charged for services i didnt have and worst of all it happened while i was on vacation with my family.

    We had to fight to remove satelite service for a full month before they realized we didnt even have the dish, let alone the service. They reluctantly redeemed the fees.

  3. If Bell allowed this to slide then so many people would be doing the same thing.

  4. What exactly must one do to get $1K in data fees? That’s a lot of transferring.

  5. I guess i wont be getting my children a data plan any time soon with Bell.

  6. Canada is no different than the US in exhobidant data fees for very little data. The two countries have the highest fees in the world. They charge it because there is very little competition.

  7. $1000? That’s insane! I can’t even top $50 in data per month when i go all out.

  8. You’d think they’d go Pre-Paid instead of subscritpion. So many people can’t control their data usage.

  9. If you have a teenager in the household having monthly bills in excess of $1,000/month is not that unusual.

  10. This is horrible! I really feel for this couple. I’d sue asap.

  11. This isn’t just with Bell this is common with Rogers too!

  12. The same thing happened to me on my internet bill. It was more like $300 though

  13. Ah yes Bell. Everyone has a story about Bell’s ‘convenient’ errors that end up being huge bills.

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