Doug Ford Ontario Premier

Here’s a rundown of Doug Ford and the PC Ontario’s campaign promises around work and taxes, hydro, healthcare, tuition and child care you should be aware of:

Work and taxes

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

  • Ford, who has pledged to scrap the Liberals’ planned minimum wage hike from $14 to $15 next year, would introduce an income tax credit for workers earning minimum wage so that anyone making less than $28,000 a year would pay no income tax.

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  1. You know, i was expecting fire and brimstone when Ford was elected. As i read his plan it's not that bad.

  2. The biggest heart break to them taking power is the loss of GreenON. Anyone use it? It was where you could get giant savings (over half or even free) for things like high efficient heaters and AC.

    I made use of it to replace my thermostat with a Nest and EcoBee for free. Yes, Ontario was giving them away for free and doing free installations. The moment Ford and his group took power they ended it within hours.

    Thankfully, they are bound to honor agreements and schedules that were in place before they ended it. So i am still on schedule to get a very expensive new heater installed (valued at $5,000), for only $2,500. 🙂

  3. LOL! I like how in his plan he wants to make getting alcohol easier on every corner. Why am i not surprised? The Ford brothers never change.

  4. NDP had a better, well thought out, plan for this province. Hope we survive.

  5. Look how different the PC party is from the Democrats and Republicans of America. PC comes off as a Democrat lite. Sure PC is still obsessed with tax cuts but they seem also willing to balance it out with benefits to the people.

  6. First Ontario, then the country. Woohoo!

  7. The Conservatives now have a majority in Ontario and great days are ahead. The biggest thing i am looking forward to is the lowering of my income tax. Let's hope he doesnt renege on it.

  8. Why are PC's colors Red, White, and Blue? Are they saying they want to be more like USA? Strange.

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