The social media-organized protest against big banks crescendoed Saturday, with hundreds of thousands of fed-up customers yanking their money from large corporate institutions to dump it into credit unions.

Smaller community banks across the United States were recording an uptick in business as a result of the anti-corporate sentiment, which came to a head on so-called international “Bank Transfer Day” on Saturday.  Read More…


  1. I love the use of Guy Fawkes masks. It is so appropriate and needed for these days!

  2. I just wish credit unions didnt charge membership fees just to join. I mean seriously wtf?

  3. Seems kind of a hollow victory seeing as how credit unions that are reaping the benefits of the move will end up growing big and doing the same as these larger banks.

  4. I would like to move to a small bank but i am just way too lazy to do it. I wish i could just push a button and move all my savings and accounts.

  5. Big banks are going to really hurt in the morning of the new work week.

  6. Good to be a credit union in 2011.

  7. @greg, yah and lets not forget that it all started as a movement in Canada (kickstarted by a Canadian magazine)

  8. I am really amazed at how this movement has spread so far around the world.

  9. Yay! I was one of those that did the big switch! No more TD Canada Trust for me.

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