As this blog has quite a bit of content regarding the Smith Manoeuvre, I often get reader questions regarding how to start the Smith Manoeuvre, and when is a good time to start.  I have answered the “how” in the past, but what about the “when”?

What is the Smith Manoeuvre

Before we get started, lets take a couple steps back and explain what the Smith Manoeuvre is to newer readers.  It is advertised as the “tax deductible mortgage” and markets the tax benefits where in reality, it’s an investment strategy.  It’s where a homeowner obtains a readvanceable mortgage, and uses the increasing line of credit to invest in the markets.  In other words, the home owner is borrowing against the equity in their home to invest.  The borrowed amount is now tax deductible and your investments are now leveraged.  Read More…


  1. It’s a risky but fascinating path for those who have no fear and willing to bet their home on the market.

  2. I am a renter but my wife and i plan to buy a home soon and something like this might come in handy later on.

  3. Something to explore. interesting.

  4. This article fails to point out the pitfalls with this manoeuver such as how maxing out your rrsp and investing can actually do better.

  5. The first time i learned about this strategy i was a bit skeptical. But seeing it in action it is a eureka moment and has paid dividends handsomely in the process.

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