The great financial crisis of 2008 left many asking what exactly happened.   Here is a video that helps explain it in easy to understand terms.  The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated.


  1. On the bright side houses are still at an all time low. I can buy a $400K house for $85K right now 🙂

  2. That is an interesting comment about the government at fault. I think the system needs Campaign Finance Reform to prevent politicians from ignoring its voters in favor of lobbyists. This is the REAL problem.

  3. Although this is form an American perspective it is a good primer for what happened across the world.

  4. I think the real people at fault are not the Investment Bankers, or the Lenders, or the home buyers who default. It’s the government system that allows such a practice.

    The animation brought up the 1999 ruling that permitted this mischief. So the ones to blame is the government. Rules and regulations are needed to protect the people, not empower banks.

  5. This is very sad. The ones who really suffer are the home owners.

  6. LOL, i got a kick out of the sub-prime animation. Enough kids there?

  7. Fixed? Are you serious? If there is money to be made the system will never be fixed. Poltiicans are bought and sold like commodities so there is no doubt the system still continues to be as the video explains.

  8. Wow, this is truly amazing how the system is so out of wack that the Investment banks can just get so involved with mortgages like that. So is this now fixed or what?

  9. Hey finally an explanation i can understand!

  10. Cute animation. Just sent this to my children to watch too.

  11. @Crow Eater – Nothing.

  12. So what’s stopping this from happening again?

  13. Not sure whether to laugh or cry since i am not American but their stealing has a profound affect on us here in Canada.

  14. Hey thanks for the book mention. Looks interesting.

  15. “Best way to rob a bank is to own one.”

    From the book: “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicans Loot the S&L Industry” by William K. Black

  16. Man, wish i was an Investment Banker!

  17. What baffles me is Obama going along with Bush in conitnuing to prop these big banks. Now they are even too bigger ot fail and are prime for another bailout…UUUGGHH!!

  18. My parents lost their home because of this thing. And i am pissed.

  19. It wasn’t just the U.S. that had this racket going. It was a greed thing that permeated the entire world. It just has its roots in the States.

  20. @Connie – agreed. America, although claimed to have passed its financial reform, which was supopse to stop this from happening again actually has done natta. It was just a ploy to make middle-class forget and move on.

  21. The disturbing result of this mess is that nothing has been fixed. We are still in it.

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