I’m always tempted to spend a little more money in the summer when I’m out and about with the family, particularly when it comes to eating out.

When we’ve been out at the park or the playground, and the kids have been playing and working up an appetite it’s easy to just buy a little something to eat on the way home or at least grab a popsicle from the ice cream truck.

I try to combat this by carrying a purse-full of snacks from home, or packing a little cooler if we’re going to be out all day.

It’s good to know that I’m not alone in my temptation to spend.

About two-thirds, or 67 per cent, of Ontarians say they tend to spend more in the summer, according to a recent survey by TD Canada Trust.   Read More…


  1. Oddly enough i am the opposite. I spend more during winter than i do in summer. I think its because in winter my 4 children have more needs and so require my attention and wallet. In summer we just open the door and let them run free on our 2 acre land.

  2. If you control your spending habits then i see absolutely nothing wrong with spending a lot in the summer season.

    It’s about control! Budget well, live well! That’s my philosophy

  3. I honestly think it is a social pressure thing. When it hits June/July most people feel they need to spend to show off to friends and family. Its also a way to keep up with what others are doing.

    Also in July there is a lot more things to do which require money.

  4. You can be assured Credit Card companies love it when Summer comes. It is the best time of year for them.

    I work for a popular credit card company and this is why you never see contests of any kind during Summer. It is always during the fall/winter when we spring out things like free iPods for joining. Its the time when we get less activity.

  5. So what happens to a Canadian living up in the North West Territories? Every day is winter.

  6. Now we are suppose to be responsible too in summer too? Is there any more life to live? I say everyone should enjoy life while they still have it.

  7. Summer is also the time when most of us end up getting into more debt and suffer in the fall. Kind of like binge drinking and waking up the next day.

  8. It’s simple. In the summer its the only time when we can get out and be ourselves with our loved ones.

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