We often hear statistics about how men and women doing the same jobs aren’t paid the same. I’ve heard that women make anywhere from 60% to 90% of what men make. I don’t trust these figures because the people who quote them often have axes to grind, but I do believe that a gap exists. I don’t think this gap is likely to close completely any time soon.

The reason for this gap is usually attributed to sexism. I don’t know how much of a problem this is today but it definitely was a problem in the past.  However, I think there is another reason why women doing the same job as men get paid less, on average.  Read More…

We often hear statistics about how men and women doing the same jobs aren’t paid the same. I’ve heard that women make anywhere from 60% to 90% of what men make. I don’t trust these figures because the people who quote them often have axes to grind, but I do believe that a gap exists. I don’t think this gap is likely to close completely any time soon.

The reason for this gap is usually attributed to sexism. I don’t know how much of a problem this is today but it definitely was a problem in the past. See a job posting from one of my father’s job searches back in the 1964. However, I think there is another reason why women doing the same job as men get paid less, on average.We often hear statistics about how men and women doing the same jobs aren’t paid the same. I’ve heard that women make anywhere from 60% to 90% of what men make. I don’t trust these figures because the people who quote them often have axes to grind, but I do believe that a gap exists. I don’t think this gap is likely to close completely any time soon.

The reason for this gap is usually attributed to sexism. I don’t know how much of a problem this is today but it definitely was a problem in the past. See a job posting from one of my father’s job searches back in the 1964. However, I think there is another reason why women doing the same job as men get paid less, on average.


  1. From my experience I have found that women arent as interested in earning more money compared to their male counterparts. This is not to say that all women are the same but on average i think women’s minds tend to focus on a lot of other things such as raising a family that just having a reasonable salary seems good enough.

    For men, making more money is what usually defines them which is why many will tend to seek out opportunities to get more.

  2. It’s not about men making more money as it really is a underlying subconcious pressure on men to feel they need to make more to feel secure about their masculinity.

    At least that is how i’ve seen it in my years

  3. And besides it can work in reverse too. In the fashion industry men are underpayed compared to their women counterparts.

  4. Mr. Dave – but in the fashion industry you get ahead based on creativity which is much more difficult to measure. Maybe women are just more creative when it comes to knowing what they want to wear and so they deserve better pay

  5. Uhh unless you didnt get the memo women actually make more then men and run more businesses than men in Canada. Yes there are fields where men still dominate in pay but in many others it is negligble or non-existent.

  6. Men and women are wired differently. Men have a strong desire for financial independence and women are more driven to make a stable family and seek out men who are financially independent. With those innner drives at work it seems clear to me that men are just acting out their instinct by ambitiously seeking opportunities that will advance them in their pay grade.

  7. I work for Microsoft and there are women that work in my field but there is about a 5-to-1 ratio. I notice that those making the most pay tend to be men not because of seniority or because of the type of sex but the devotion to their work. The ones earning more tend to stay longer hours and do things to stand out and be noticed by their bosses. In most of those cases it is almost always the men.

    I think it is because they have no other concerns, like pressure to have a family or anything.

  8. It’s a sad state of affairs but very true. I am sure as more time goes there will be mroe equality between the sexes but for now and for a very long time it has been to the advantage to be a man.

  9. Oddly enough, more women own businesses than men so you’d think that women would earn more.

  10. It’s all about the children aspect. With this in mind most pay is adjusted for this because lets face it these employees who are seeking to get pregnant after securing a job makes for less efficient business.

  11. In ways though i still think it is a male dominated world and so women have to play 2nd fiddle.

  12. Because of the burden of child rearing and the desire for most women to have children it is expected that women will choose to have lower pay for the sake of a secure job. Men dont have that burden.

  13. In my profession i’ve noticed that men tend to demand higher salaries when negotiations come up than women. By doing so they will usually get higher pay. And of course if they dont get it they will leave to another job. I’ve noticed that women are more likely to stay with the lower pay.

  14. On average this is true. Women on average choose to have a more balanced life while men are more likely to choose to sacrifice a family life for competitive achievements.

  15. Good piece. I find it is very true.

  16. Well let’s not forget that women make more than men in specific professions and so to say that men make more than women solely because of more passion is not necessary accurate.

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