You might be a natural at making frugal choices when it comes to spending or perhaps you are slowly easing your way into the frugal lifestyle. Either way, know that your efforts result in additional benefits that go beyond the immediate impact of cash savings.

You might not notice these nonmonetary rewards at first. That’s because in the beginning stages of adopting a frugal perspective, you’re usually focused on reaping the primary benefit, which is saving money. What I have discovered and what many others report is that living frugally encourages a heightened level of awareness. Here are five positive rewards that can be obtained as a result of your commitment to minding your money.  Read More…


  1. Everyone wants to be frugal but with so many delicious things to shop for its very hard. Now compound that with easy credit and days like Black Friday and you see how hard it is.

    Yes, i want to be frugal and have made it my new years resolution every year but it never works. 🙁

  2. Yup! We are very frugal in my household and it was a bit of a shock at first but it took a life changing event to make us see the lgiht. We now have a few emergeny funds and life is great.

  3. As an 18 year old i guess something like this doesnt apply to me 😛

  4. Disagree! Not everyone’s case is the same and trying to find the benefits of frugality is not always wise. Lost opportunities can happen.

  5. Interesting article. I particularly like the part about sense of accomplishments. So true.

    Me and my spouse have been trying to live within our means to better put control on our rediculous spending habits of the past such as redecorating our kitchen which costs us in high 5 figures.

    Happy to say things are better.

  6. If you pay attention you notice that everyone just wants to be entertained and doing so always involve lviing beyond their means. Frugal will never come into most people’s minds because they enjoy the pleasures of everything they see.

  7. I just wish schools in Canada would better teach our kids more important things such as proper finance or living frugally as this piece points out. It would make far more responsible Canadians.

  8. It’s definitely true that it can lead to better relationsips. As a woman, although i prefer the man i am with to provide i also hope he will understand how to best manage it at different times so we as a family can continue to be well off in all the situations. Sadly, i have not met such a man.

  9. There are always better ways to spend one’s money — no need to be frugal. The issue is people just don’t know how to use it wiselessly and hence why they get into trouble quite fast.

  10. When living in a household with 4 teenage girls the idea of financial responsibility goes out the window. Some times i wish i didnt have kids. 🙁

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