Buying dividends

The protracted slump in crude and the ongoing weakness of commodities over the last two years triggered a dividend crisis for Canadian investors. A raft of dividend darlings in the energy patch slashed or even terminated their dividends as they battled to shore up over-levered balance sheets and protect diminishingContinue Reading

Where to invest

Now that we’re in the middle of July, summer is in full swing, and most are thinking about how to make the best out of what’s left of summer. With another academic year in the books, a number of new graduates have obtained full-time employment. In the hopes that manyContinue Reading

Grow your TFSA

f you’re relatively new to investing stocks, you’re probably still exploring the many different strategies out there. No matter which strategies you choose, there are two ways to make money: getting income or selling for a gain. New investors tend to be mesmerized by the ups and downs of stockContinue Reading

Tax-free income

If you want more income, one of the first places you can explore is real estate investment trusts (REITs). They own portfolios of properties that are diversified geographically and across many tenants. Some are diversified across asset types as well. Most importantly, many REITs pay juicy distributions that can helpContinue Reading

Retirement reality

Even though many of us are still decades away from retirement, it’s a constant worry. Nobody wants to run out of cash during their golden years. With record housing prices, higher food costs, and increasing financial commitments despite stagnant salaries, saving for retirement is tougher than ever. And with interest rates hittingContinue Reading

growth and income investing

While it may not be the most popular investing strategy for those looking to earn a quick return, a buy and hold strategy is what’s helped Warren Buffett become one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Over the long term, stocks generally appreciate in value, and you’re more oftenContinue Reading